Acceptance Without Conditions

It has been too many years since I chose to express unconditional acceptance to a end of my life. I really don’t have a say regarding this cancer, my time has become visible. My mind has been going over numerous past events through my dreams at night. I’m now aware that I haven’t done bodily harm to others. My years have been filled with numerous actions that seem to be spontaneous, helping others without wanting anything in return. I’m not some saint by no means. Through it all it has given me a deep empathy of the suffering that surrounds me of other people. My understanding was only accomplished through my lack of being in a stable environment, usually brought upon by myself. My past posts here on this site explains it a little at a time.

Does dying have anything to do with my inability now to continue helping others an not be selfish as was at times in the past. How many times do I need to reassure to myself it isn’t about anyone else’s loss, but my finally having to let go?

I’ll continue to spill my thoughts a little at a time. I suppose that invention of the clock to measure a word called “Time” isn’t a reality but a measure of humanity’s ignorance!
